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Introduction to Django

1 min read

Django allows developers to write application logic without worrying about low-level details. It makes routine web development chores like form handling, database interactions, URL routing, and user authentication simpler. With little effort, you can manage application data with Django's built-in admin interface.

The strength of Django is its capacity to manage complicated web applications, from little projects to massive, busy websites. It is the perfect option for a variety of applications due to its scalability and adaptability, including e-commerce platforms, content management systems, social networks, and more.

Example: Creating a Simple Django Application Let's create a simple Django application called "HelloWorld" that displays a welcome message on a web page.

  1. Install Django: Use the command pip install Django to install Django on your system.
  2. Create a new Django project: Run django-admin startproject HelloWorld to create a new project named "HelloWorld".
  3. Create a Django app: Navigate to the project directory (cd HelloWorld) and run python startapp demo to create a new app called "demo".
  4. Define a view: Open the file inside the "demo" app directory and define a view function as follows:
from django.http import HttpResponse

def hello(request):
    return HttpResponse("Hello, Django!")

Configure URL routing: In the project's file, import the view function and map it to a URL pattern:

from django.urls import path
from demo.views import hello

urlpatterns = [
    path('hello/', hello, name='hello'),

Start the development server: Run python runserver to start the development server. Test the application: Visit http://localhost:8000/hello/ in your browser, and you should see the message "Hello, Django!" displayed.

This simple example demonstrates the basic structure of a Django application, with a defined view function and URL routing. From here, you can continue to explore Django's extensive features, such as database models, forms, user authentication, and more, to build more complex and interactive web applications.

Jun 19, 2023 14:58 Back to Articles

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