Introduction to Web and HTML

How the Web Works What is HTML Why Learn HTML

Common HTML Entities

list of common HTML entities that you can use in your HTML documents:

  1. &lt; - Less than sign (<)
  2. &gt; - Greater than sign (>)
  3. &amp; - Ampersand (&)
  4. &quot; - Double quotation mark (")
  5. &apos; or &#39; - Apostrophe or single quotation mark (')
  6. &copy; or &#169; - Copyright symbol (©)
  7. &reg; or &#174; - Registered trademark symbol (®)
  8. &trade; or &#8482; - Trademark symbol (™)
  9. &euro; or &#8364; - Euro currency symbol (€)
  10. &pound; or &#163; - Pound sterling currency symbol (£)
  11. &yen; or &#165; - Yen currency symbol (¥)
  12. &cent; or &#162; - Cent currency symbol (¢)
  13. &dollar; or &#36; - Dollar currency symbol ($)
  14. &sect; or &#167; - Section symbol (§)
  15. &deg; or &#176; - Degree symbol (°)
  16. &frac14; or &#188; - Fraction one-fourth (¼)
  17. &frac12; or &#189; - Fraction one-half (½)
  18. &frac34; or &#190; - Fraction three-fourths (¾)
  19. &times; or &#215; - Multiplication sign (×)
  20. &divide; or &#247; - Division sign (÷)
  21. &plusmn; or &#177; - Plus-minus sign (±)
  22. &micro; or &#181; - Micro sign (µ)
  23. &Delta; or &#916; - Delta symbol (Δ)
  24. &Sigma; or &#931; - Sigma symbol (Σ)
  25. &lambda; or &#955; - Lambda symbol (λ)
  26. &alpha; or &#945; - Alpha symbol (α)
  27. &omega; or &#937; - Omega symbol (ω)
  28. &infin; or &#8734; - Infinity symbol (∞)
  29. &radic; or &#8730; - Square root symbol (√)
  30. &rarr; - Right arrow (→)
  31. &larr; - Left arrow (←)
  32. &uarr; - Up arrow (↑)
  33. &darr; - Down arrow (↓)
  34. &crarr; - Carriage return arrow (↵)
  35. &spades; - Spades suit symbol (♠)
  36. &hearts; - Hearts suit symbol (♥)
  37. &diams; - Diamonds suit symbol (♦)
  38. &clubs; - Clubs suit symbol (♣)
  39. &ldquo; - Left double quotation mark (“)
  40. &rdquo; - Right double quotation mark (”)
  41. &lsquo; - Left single quotation mark (‘)
  42. &rsquo; - Right single quotation mark (’)

These entities can be used to display special characters and symbols in your HTML documents. You can use either the character entity (e.g., &copy;) or the numeric reference (e.g., &#169;) to represent these characters in your HTML code.