PHP Sessions and Cookies

Introduction to Sessions Cookies in PHP


Constants in PHP

In PHP, constants are used to define values that remain unchanged throughout a script's execution. Constants are especially useful for storing values that should not be modified or that are shared across various parts of your PHP code. They provide a way to ensure that specific values remain constant and are easily recognizable in your code. Here's how you can define and use constants in PHP.

Defining Constants

In PHP, constants are defined using the define() function. The basic syntax for defining a constant is as follows:

define("CONSTANT_NAME", "constant_value");
  • CONSTANT_NAME: This is the name of the constant, and it should be written in uppercase letters to distinguish it from regular variables.

  • constant_value: This is the value assigned to the constant.

For example, here's how you can define a constant for the value of pi:

define("PI", 3.14159);

Once defined, constants cannot be changed or redefined during the script's execution.

Accessing Constants

To access a constant, you simply reference it by its name. For example, to use the PI constant we defined earlier:

echo PI; // Outputs the value of PI: 3.14159

Constants do not require a dollar sign ($) before the name, unlike regular variables.

Common Use Cases

Constants are often used for the following purposes:

  1. Mathematical Constants: Constants like pi (PI) and the speed of light are used in mathematical calculations.

  2. Configuration Values: Constants are useful for storing configuration values, such as database connection details, API keys, and other settings that should not be changed during script execution.

  3. Enumerations: In PHP, you can use constants to create enumeration-like structures for representing a set of predefined values.

  4. Error Codes: Constants can be used to define error codes or error messages, making it easier to manage error handling in your code.

Best Practices

When working with constants in PHP, consider the following best practices:

  1. Use descriptive names for constants to make their purpose clear.

  2. Define constants at the beginning of your script or in a dedicated configuration file to make them easy to find and manage.

  3. Use uppercase letters and underscores to format constant names (e.g., MAX_VALUE, DB_HOST, API_KEY).

  4. Comment constants to provide brief explanations of their purpose and usage.

  5. Avoid overusing constants; reserve them for values that truly need to remain constant.

Scope of Constants

Constants are globally accessible in PHP, meaning they can be used throughout your entire script without the need to declare them as global within functions or classes. This global scope makes constants ideal for storing values that are required across different parts of your code.


Constants in PHP are valuable tools for maintaining consistency and readability in your code. They ensure that specific values remain constant and easily identifiable throughout your scripts. Whether you're working with mathematical values, configuration details, or other unchanging data, constants are a useful feature to have in your PHP development toolkit.