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Binary Tree

1 min read
1 year ago By Aniket Prajapati

Binary Tree:

A Binary tree is represented by a pointer to the topmost node (commonly known as the “root”) of the tree. If the tree is empty, then the value of the root is NULL. Each node of a Binary Tree contains the following parts: (1) Data. (2) Pointer to left child. (3) Pointer to right child.

Properties of Binary Tree:

  1. The maximum number of nodes at level ‘l’ of a binary tree is 2l:
  2. The Maximum number of nodes in a binary tree of height ‘h’ is 2h – 1:
  3. In a Binary Tree with N nodes, the minimum possible height or the minimum number of levels is Log2(N+1):
  4. A Binary Tree with L leaves has at least | Log2L |+ 1 levels:
  5. In a Binary tree where every node has 0 or 2 children, the number of leaf nodes is always one more than nodes with two children:
  6. In a non-empty binary tree, if n is the total number of nodes and e is the total number of edges, then e = n-1:

Lets create a binary tree with new class .

//creating trees class 

using namespace std;

class node{
    int data;
    node* left;
    node* right;
    node(int d)

node* buildtree(node* root)
    int data;
    cout<<"enter val"<<endl ;
    root=new node(data);
    if(data ==-1)
        return NULL;
    cout<<"left of"<<data<<endl; 
    cout<<"right of"<<data<<endl; 
    return root;

int main(){
    node* root=NULL;
    //creating tree;
    return 0 ;

To Create a new Tree the complexities are :

Time complexity : O(N) . Space Complexity : O(N) . ,where N is the number of nodes in a binary tree

Jun 24, 2023 21:13 Back to Articles

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