Django works by providing a structured and organized approach to building web applications.
Here's a simplified overview of how it works:
Model Layer: Django uses an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system to define the data structure of your application. Models are Python classes that represent database tables and their relationships. Developers define models to specify the data schema. It allows the developer to code faster without the need of writing queries for performing sql operations.
View Layer: Views in Django handle the logic of processing incoming requests and generating responses. They connect the models (data) with templates (presentation). Views are Python functions or classes that take in HTTP requests and return responses. The reponse may be a HTTP response or a JSON response.
Template Layer: Templates are used to define the presentation layer of your application. They contain HTML code with placeholders for dynamic content. Django's template system allows developers to generate dynamic web pages by rendering data from views. Moreover, Django's template system allows developers with various options such as adding conditional statements or using a for loop, along with displaying pandas dataframe as a table and much more.